Sunday, May 29, 2011

Caught in a Competitive Marriage

My next shout-out goes to all those fine folk who are caught in a competitive marriage.
A healthy marriage is where each side gives their best, and ultimately, receives the best in return.
But you don't focus on what you get back!
Each one should concern themselves primarily with the well-being of their other half.
Each one should want the OTHER one to have the best.
Too many people are living a "hey, no fair, if you get a vacation, I also get one!" kinda life.
Uh uh. No good. Stop it now.


mishmum said...

Oh shayn! Found it. Kol hakovod! (So, i can also say tht).

rutimizrachi said...

Good advice. The world is such a bonkers place, I am sad for people who do not (or cannot) make their marriages into safe harbor for both of them.