Sunday, May 29, 2011

Missing People, Missing

My first shout-out goes out to the people whose loved ones are no longer in the news, but are still missing. Either dead from natural causes, murdered in hate, or "simply" lost, people make the headlines, are spoken about, and then quickly forgotten when the next piece of news comes in. Added to the pain of their loss, family members experience a loneliness that the world has moved on.

I haven't.
I am thinking of your missing, hurt, pained, or dead loved one.
I am doing something in their honor, every day, to bring em back alive and well.
I really am. I await the final redemption with deeds, not only sighs.


rutimizrachi said...

Kol hakavod! I wish you success on your maiden voyage on the good ship Shout-Out. May she sail well, and pick up many lost souls on the troubled waters of life.

CHAVA said...

Thanks, mate!
Your beautiful comment is a perfect "first one".